Memorial-610 Hospital for Animals

910 Antoine Drive
Houston, TX 77024



Senior Wellness


Human Petting Senior Cat


As our pets reach their senior years, it is natural to have some worries about the physical changes and health issues they may be facing. We all want our pets to have long and healthy lives, and the best way to achieve this goal is through preventive health care. The risk of age-related illness increases with age, so semi-annual exams are recommended for our senior patients. These exams generally take a bit longer than traditional exams to allow ample time to address any specific concerns you may have regarding new problems that have arisen since your pet’s last visit. Animals by nature are very good at hiding pain and illness, so it is important to be aware of subtle clues that may indicate an underlying problem. Pay attention to changes including stiffness, vision changes, decreased appetite, increased thirst, changes in bladder or bowel habits, decreased activity, and weight loss. If you notice these or any other changes, be sure to bring them to your veterinarian’s attention. Your pet’s senior wellness exam will include:

  • A thorough physical exam (includes eyes, ears, nose, throat, coat, skin, heart, lungs, abdomen, genitals, lymph nodes, oral cavity, weight, GI, musculoskeletal, and central nervous system)
  • Comprehensive lab work including a Complete Blood Count, Chemistries, Thyroid level, and Urinalysis
  • Personalized vaccinations based on your pet’s risk of disease exposure
  • Fecal examination to screen for intestinal parasites
  • A complete oral/dental exam
  • Recommendations for flea, tick, and heartworm control
  • An evaluation of your pet’s diet and nutritional health
  • Review of your pet’s current medications and discussion of any newly prescribed medications
  • Scan for microchip efficacy, position, and ease of detection
  • Evaluation of any new symptoms or behavioral changes