Memorial-610 Hospital for Animals

910 Antoine Drive
Houston, TX 77024





Endoscopy/Otoscopy - Looking inside dogs ear


Where is that camera going to go?!

Endoscopy is a procedure that lets us look inside your pet's body. It uses an instrument called an endoscope, or scope for short. Scopes have a tiny camera attached to a long, thin tube. The veterinarian moves it through a body passageway or opening to see inside an organ. Sometimes scopes are used for surgery, such as for removing a foreign object from the stomach. There are many different kinds of endoscopy.


Here are the names of some of them and where they look:

  • Arthroscopy: joints
  • Bronchoscopy: lungs
  • Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy: large intestine
  • Cystoscopy and ureteroscopy: urinary system
  • Laparoscopy: abdomen or pelvis
  • Otoscopy: ear canal
  • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: esophagus and stomach
  • Vaginoscopy: vaginal area and cervix


At Memorial-610 Hospital for Animals, we routinely use endoscopy and a less invasive way to not only make a diagnosis, but also for treatments as well.  An example of a common procedure is to remove a small object from the stomach that a patient has swallowed.

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